Caution: SPOILERS for Black Adam #6In the Wonder Universe, Doctor Doom may be an undermining antagonist, however a new experience between Black Adam and that's what batman shows assuming that Destruction were in the DC Universe, he most likely wouldn't have a similar height. This hypothesis all stems from what has been the deal with the despot of Kahndaq, the supernatural lowlife and once in a while legend Black Adam. In his ongoing continuous series, Black Adam has needed to manage being debilitated and having his mantle as champion progress to one of his precursors, who is called White Adam. Furthermore, Black Adam likewise needed to manage a few political consequences for his activities as a tyrant. He's even needed to affirm before a board of trustees regarding the matter. In Black Adam #6 by Christopher Priest and Eddy Barrows, Batman even moves forward to attempt to stop Black Adam's overbearing exercises. Wearing a suit of shield, Batman faces Black Adam and attempts to urge him into a battle. Prior to going head to head in a confrontation, Black Adam denounces Batman's mediations in his country. Bruce Wayne has been financing rebels inside Black Adam's boundaries to attempt to oust his administration and force popularity based decisions. Black Adam counters by expressing that Bruce Wayne doesn't have a clue and that it is more troublesome and nuanced to unexpectedly concede a group self-rule who have never had it. Black Adam has to Face More Political Pressure Than Doom This conversation is very telling as to how Doctor Doom would be treated in the DC Universe. For the most part, Doctor Doom is a sovereign leader within the Marvel Universe. The Avengers and other heroes think twice before entering Latveria's borders and interfering in Doctor Doom's country. Captain America did it recently, but it had nothing to do with Doom. He was chasing someone else who just happened to be in the country, though Doom did not take kindly to the illegal entry. Also, when Doom was fighting the Mech Avengers, he retreated to within his borders, and the Avengers wouldn't follow him. Batman would have nowhere near the same respect for Doom's sovereignty. It's become clear that he's perfectly fine funding rebels within Black Adam's borders, so he would most definitely do the same for Doom. Batman declares that freedom is never negotiable, so he would consider Doctor Doom an eternal enemy until he was overthrown. Batman doesn't have the same respect for international law that Marvel heroes have, and so Doctor Doom would never be allowed to sit back and just plan for domination the same way he can in the Marvel Universe. Batman's treatment of Black Adam shows that if he were in the DC Universe, Doctor Doom would constantly be under threat of invasion and so wouldn't be nearly as powerful a villain.